I continued on with my old school Red Boxed Basic Set Dungeons and Dragons conversion yesterday during lunch by writing the templates for 4 of the seven classic character classes: Fighter, Cleric, Magi User, Thief.
Once I have completed all 7 templates, I am planning on running an old school dungeons and dragons game at Chicago Gameday 42 using the HiBRiD Black and White rule set to test out these conversion rules. For those interested in playing in this game, hit me up on Facebook or @hujraadjohaansen on Twitter. If you have a classic module you would like to play, let me know. Right now, I am planning on playing the classic Temple of Elemental Evil...
So, without further ado, here are the first 4 classes, er, templates...
So, without further ado, here are the first 4 classes, er, templates...
You are dedicated to serving a
worthy cause whether it is a deity, a spirit, or even just an ideology. You have learned to fight in order to protect
the followers of your faith or defend centers of your faith that have been
established on the fringes of civilization. As you have proven your faith, it
has grown stronger, enabling you to create miraculous effects such as healing
the injured, rebuking the undead, and protecting others from hostile magic. You
are the backbone of any group of people, large or small, serving to educate,
heal, aid, and defend those aligned with you and your cause.
You have studied combat to
protect those weaker than yourself, enforce the will of others, and assert your
own will upon the world. You are well-versed in the use of armor and shields,
wielding any number of missile and melee weapons, and using strategy in combat.
You have developed a favorite method of fighting that you excel in, however, on
the battlefield, you have learned that it is good to be adaptable and become
skilled in all sorts of weapons to a high degree. You are a master at avoiding
damage, taking damage, and dealing damage on foes! You are the strong arm of
any group that faces obstacles head on and eliminates them.
You have spent most if not all of
your time in the dedicated, unswerving pursuit of the arcane arts. You long ago
chose to forgo the ways of normal folks who toil in the fields, practice a
trade, or make their way in the world with skill in arms. While your physical
skills and abilities may not be as developed as those of others, you have
learned to harness the magical energies of the universe. With just a few
gestures and words, you are able to alter the forces of nature, uncover almost
any secret, and destroy armies at a distance. In any group, you are at once the
respected scholar, the knower of secrets and the terrifying force to be
reckoned at any place and at any time.
You are the master of stealth and
subterfuge. Long ago, you discovered you had a knack for “getting things” and
getting into places “you weren’t supposed to”. Rather than taking up a “respectable”
trade, you learned to infiltrate homes or businesses, bypass physical and
mechanical barriers, and make off with valuable items without being captured. You
learned the arts of sleight of hand, pickpocketing, and other legerdemain to a
high level. Such skills, while not the most appreciated by the more civilized folks,
are nonetheless in high demand. Thus, you are the quiet one; the stealer-in;
the specialist that can turn the tide in a battle and make the acquisition of
any desired item possible when might and magic fail.
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