Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Completed Template

So far, January has been a productive month. My goal of completing Section Two has been progressing daily. All the templates have been laid out, and as I progress, I am currently on pace to get them all statted out by the end of the month.
While there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes, I took some time out today to finish one of the templates to give you all a taste of what the final layout will look like. The image file will be replaced by original art in the final book; for now, it serves as a place holder for layout purposes.

And so, without further adieu, I present you with..the Ninja!:

Podcast Complete. Game Complete. Art In Progress. Platform Change once agian.

Well, I finished the podcast. While I got a few listens, the amount of effort required to produce did not equate to either enjoyment or incr...