Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Name Change: A Reversion?

I was working on the final logo these past two weeks, so I can get the Kickstarter Project moving along. While sketching, I found myself STILL calling the game HiBRiD; my kids were calling the game HiBRiD; my players still call the game HiBRiD.

Which got me to thinking. Since the other Hybrid piece of feces is gone, I believe I can still keep the name HiBRiD for the actual game system and bill it as featuring the Ite' Gaming Engine. SO as of now:

HiBRiD now stands for Heroic Ite'-Based RPG In Development. It is the trademarked game system that will be registered.

Ite' is a trademarked term that will be registered.
IGE will stand for the Ite' Gaming Engine.It is the trademarked game system that may be registered.
Cinema20 is the term that I will personally use conversationally for the modules I will publishing for use in games featuring Cinematic Action Heroes. It is a trademarked game line that I may register, depending on how much time I find myself with.

Also, here are the sketches of the Floating Ite' coins:

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