Tuesday, July 2, 2013

10 Montages Until Gen Con Number: # 8-Al Leong Death Scenes

While this one is not a montage from one movie but an amalgam of many, it by no means is any less owrthy of the HiBRiD game. This is a montage some compiled of Al Leong dying again...and again...and again...

I first realized his penchant for dying when I saw Big Trouble in Little China for the 5th or 6th time when I was 19.  I thought I was the only guy that noticed Al's presence in every frickin' 80s action movie where they needed a badass Asian bad guy that could seriously kick ass and trade blow with the best of them.

The only real question I have, is why was he not in Expendables 2. It is for this fact alone I believe they need to make an Expendables III, just to have Al back. Hell, they should at the very least dedicate a movie to him!

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