Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ambition and Actuality...Martial arts and Mortality

Section One is LAID OUT! On to Section Two!

I had planned on having the entire first chapter layed out by the end of the year, but alas, I fell behind. I find myself not disappointed, however. Nor should anyone else be. In the past two months, I have completed almost all design decisions and more actual layout than in the past couple of years. I credit it to a new phase of  the realization of my mortality brought about by martial arts training and seeing my abilities not so much decrease as change. I may not be as acrobatic, but my ability to fight smarter and teach has gone up immeasurably.

Prior to September, I would make ambitious goal after ambitious goal, fall short, get frustrated and stall. But I am not a college kid anymore; I do not have the same luxury of time I once did. I do not have the same abilities I once did. As my body remodels itself for stamina rather than strength and speed as it ages, I have found that adjusting my efforts to match the new diminishing capabilities and meeting all of my time commitments has actually paid off. Accepting rather than denying my mortality I am actually pacing myself and most importantly staying on pace. For the first time I have complete faith in completion and I hope everyone else reading this has faith it it as well.

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