Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Multitudes and Attitude

There are multitudes of games in the world...

There are multitudes of role-playing games that make a subset of those games...

There are multitudes of pen-and-paper-tabletop role-playing games that make up a subset of those role playing games... 

There are multitudes of these pen-and-paper-tabletop role-playing games that use a twenty-sided die to determine action resolution...

And there are multitudes of game-designing hackers trying to independently publish their games in pursuit of  their own ideas of how those games should be played...

HiBRiD, alas, is one of many. It is vanilla, it is simple, it is old school. Its mechanics have been rehashed over and over, system after system, decade after decade. So why pursue it?

Because the simple mechanics are just a framework for HiBRiD's real purpose. To frame the attitude of the heroes as I imagine them, to set up the situations that I imagine make heroes great. To share my view of games and life and heroism and their interaction.

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Podcast Complete. Game Complete. Art In Progress. Platform Change once agian.

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