Model 101 is a cybernetic organism created by the Denton AI. Its
primary purpose is the eradication of humans in any number of timelines
when deemed necessary. The seeming inefficiency of developing a
cybernetic organism rather than a pure robot stems from the need to
infiltrate human societies to avoid destruction by the local inhabitants
and the need to be able to use the time-displacement equipment. For
some reason, injecting metals into the past in and of themselves will
cause a failed translation. The Denton AI has calculated the maximum
number of metallic atoms that can be present as well as the ratio of
metallic atoms to the nonmetallic atoms in order to be able to translate
an organism into the past. The T-101 represents the result of this
T-101 is specifically designed to adapt to its surroundings and blend
in to get close enough to its targets to "zero” and then eliminate them.
In order to fulfill its function, it has a complete database of how to
operate every vehicle and weapon existent in the timeline, speak every
spoken language, and the ability to mimic any voice it hears. It also
has a socially adaptive intelligence that allows it to quickly adapt to
local customs and languages and use social cues to act more human.
T-101 possesses a metal alloy endoskeleton with memory-retaining
properties that is coated by a substance that enables human tissues to
be grown onto it. The heavily armored chest cavity contains a highly
stable hydronium fuel cell that fuels the micro-processing units
contained within the skull. When damaged, its endoskeleton heals itself
automatically due to the innate memory properties of its molecular
structure, however, it takes a few seconds to do so.
human tissues grown onto a T-101 are genetically human and all possess
the same DNA nucleotide sequence. Analysis of the sequence will also
reveal that all genes coding for structural proteins for the bones,
heart, and brain have been engineered to code for the immune system to
protect the flesh since the skeleton does not perform this function.
Because of this setup, a T-101 does not feel “pain” but rather knows
when it has received “damage’. The tissue does heal in the same manner
as a human, however is not necessary for its function and is considered a
secondary system for infiltration and temporal translation purposes. In
order to heal its organic tissues, the micro-processors that control
its functions must expend energy and computational power to do so to
activate the immune system. As a result, the organic tissue healing
functions may be put on hold if the unit needs those resources for
something more urgent. If the tissue is completely burned away or cut
off, however, the microprocessors have no mechanism for repair.
STR +10 (U)
RSIL +10
Action Load: 100kg
Action Move: 20m
Action Range: 12m
ARMV: 25 ballistic, melee
Social +12
Firearms +10
Operate Vehicle +12
Presence (Tactless A--hole)